- Tíðindi, mentan og ítróttur
Trawler’s CCTV cameras to be switched off
When Enniberg embarks on its fishing exhibition tonight, the disputed closed-circuit TV cameras will be shut off.
The Faroese Data Protection Committee (DAT) has been in talks with P/f Enniberg since crew members revealed in a letter on Sunday that CCTV cameras were installed in the onboard factory. The letter was sent to DAT, the Ministry of Fisheries and the media.
A member of the crew claims to have written the letter. His signature reads: “One of more than 40 men who are under surveillance by P/F Enniberg.”
No complaints
No formal complaints have been registered about the CCTV cameras, but DAT is investigating the matter.
“This will take some time, but the investigation is underway,” says Eyðhild Skaalum, the manager of DAT.
The law states that CCTV cameras should not be used without a permit.
Insufficient proof
DAT has not received sufficient proof that CCTV equipment was present in the onboard factory during Enniberg’s last fishing exhibition, says Ms Skaalum.
Since an administrative authority requires clear proof to make a decision, DAT cannot conclude at this time that the law has been broken.
Enniberg will embark on a new fishing exhibition tonight at 8pm.
DAT has received confirmation that the CCTV cameras will be switched off while the investigation is ongoing.