Chess: close at the top

Chess: close at the top
Rógvi Egilstoft Nielsen and grandmaster Helgi Dam Ziska are now joint leaders of the national chess championship
28.03.2018 - 08:33

Grandmaster Helgi Dam Ziska has now played two consecutive draws.

On Monday, Sjúrður Thorsteinsson drew with Ziska, and yesterday Hans Kristian Simonsen – whose rating is 400 below Ziska – also managed a draw. 

An exciting and unusual game

Simonsen was unflustered by the grandmaster, playing with great creativity and bravery.

Ziska appeared slightly confused by his opponent’s kamikaze style and struggled to play to his usual standards.

It may have been difficult for Ziska to read the centre of the board with d4, and Simonsen soon took control of the game.

In the end, however, Ziska managed to draw the game.

Tied at the top

Rógvi Egilstoft Nielsen won his game against Carl Eli Samuelsen and now joins Ziska at the top of the table.

Nielsen played his usual aggressive and creative style. The closely-fought battle developed into a rare end game, Nielsen with a rook and a bishop and Samuelsen with only a rook.

No pawns were left on the board, which normally indicates a draw. But Nielsen outwitted his opponent with his inspiring endplay.

First win for Ólavur Simonsen

The game between Ólavur Simonsen and Rani Nolsøe turned into a turbulent affair.

After a brief detour, both players ended up using the Nordic gambit. Simonsen (black) played aggressively, but Nolsøe did a good job of defending.

Eventually, however, Ólavur took control of the game and secured his first victory of the season.

Draw between Sjúrður and Rógvi

The calmest game of this round was between Sjúrður Thorsteinsson and Rógvi Mortensen.

Mortensen (white) again used the Sämisch Variation of the King's Indian Defence, like he did in his second-round game against Ziska.

The game ended in a draw after 24 moves.

Fourth round, Faroese chess championship, 27 March

Rógvi Mortensen-Sjúrður Thorsteinsson


Hans Kristian Simonsen-Helgi Dam Ziska


Rani Nolsøe-Ólavur Simonsen


Rógvi Egilstoft Nielsen-Carl Eli Samuelsen


Standings after round four

1. Rógvi Egilstoft Nielsen


3 points

2. Helgi Dam Ziska


3 points

3. Sjúrður Thorsteinsson


2 points

4. Carl Eli Samuelsen


2 points

5-8. Rani Nolsøe


1 1/2 points

5-8. Rógvi Mortensen


1 1/2 points

5-8. Hans Kristian Simonsen


1 1/2 points

5-8. Ólavur Simonsen


1 1/2 points

Round five is played today at 4pm

Carl Eli Samuelsen-Rógvi Mortensen

Ólavur Simonsen-Rógvi Egilstoft Nielsen

Helgi Dam Ziska-Rani Nolsøe

Sjúrður Thorsteinsson-Hans Kristian Simonsen



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