- Tíðindi, mentan og ítróttur
Handball fundraiser reaches 1 million target
The Handball Federation (HSF) needed DKK 1 million to register the men’s national team for the 2021 World Championships.
A private fundraising campaign, which was launched two weeks ago, has now managed to raise this amount, and HSF managed to apply just in time for the application deadline on Monday.
Grant did not materialise
HSF was expecting a DKK 1.8m grant from the culture ministry to cover the additional costs from having to send the men’s national team to Denmark to play its Euro 2020 handball qualifying home games because the Faroese sports halls were not approved for international games.
The additional grant had been processed by the culture ministry and apparently only required a quick run through Parliament, but it had not been processed when the parliamentary summer break started in early May.
Fundraiser still active
According to news portal portal.fo, which organises the fundraising campaign, 92 businesses, one local council and private patrons have so far supported the campaign.
The fundraiser is still active. To donate, email vitstudlahsf@knassar.fo for further information.
The qualifiers for the 2021 World Championships start this winter.
Translated by prosa.fo